Get better and faster VPN Free!

On the internet there are there are many ways to get a VPN is free but most popular services are influenced by the Internet, which is available throughput him, so I liked that I noted about the VPN program tried it and the result was good in comparison with other free services.

The name of this program provides you with TotalVPN where stealth is a free service after you get it. So let's start with how to download the program as you have access to this site and click on GET TOTAL VPN and then enter your personal information as described in the picture.

Then you will be redirected to the new page click on the Free Download of the download process is started, it is available on the service that will enable Android and for any or feed as well as you can download the application from the bottom of the page.

So after downloading the software you are installing the normal way and then enter the email address that you have previously registered with the site so you can login to the program .. and choose the "amsterdam", for example, and click on the Connect where you will be contacted directly and quickly the throughput of the Internet will be in the form of 2Mb / s and this effluent compared with the rest of throughput Internet that take advantage of them by other VPN they are already good.

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